Eyewear Displays 706

Eyewear Displays
The counter eyewear displays are capable of holding 40 pairs of eyewear. The black aluminum rails on this eyewear display provide a solid structure that holds your eyewear securely on a rotating base. The white acrylic back panels provide the contrast needed to put your eyewear at the front of attention. Also available in different color schemes: Maple, Black, & Maple with Black (black as pictured).

These eyeglasses stands roughly 26″ tall on a 10″ base, This eyeglasses holder stand is also customizable to accommodate a wide variety of needs. This eyewear display compliments eyewear display 702 with its sophisticated look and would work well as a display duo in a wide variety of retail markets.

Available options
-Custom printed graphics
-Upgraded Eyewear Holders